This page provides a general overview of the InOrderCPU model, its pipeline stages, and its resources.
Soumyaroop Roy has been kind enough to provide a "test-status-page" of the M5-Inorder model in the work he has been doing. (Note: The latest versions of the inorder model can be found in the m5-dev repository. Please check there for updates and additional information.)
The relevant sources files are in src/cpu/inorder.
Pipeline Stages
In it's most basic incarnation, the In-Order model models a 5-stage pipeline.
The 5-stage pipeline is based on the 5-stage MIPS pipeline and has the following stages:
- Instruction Fetch (IF)
- Instruction Decode (ID)
- Execute (EX)
- Memory Access (MEM)
- Register Write Back (WB)
Relevant source files:
- first_stage.[hh,cc]
- pipeline_stage.[hh,cc]
Pipeline Resources
The following pipeline resources are defined for InOrderCPU:
- Fetch Unit
- Instruction Cache (I-Cache)
- Branch Prediction Unit (BPred Unit)
- Register File Manager (RF Manager)
- Address Generation Unit (AGen Unit)
- Execution Unit (EXU)
- Integer Multiply and Divide Unit (Int MDU)
- Data Cache (D-Cache)
- Graduation Unit (Grad Unit)
Relevant source files:
- resources/*.[hh,cc]
Resource Pool
Pipeline Definition
Instruction Schedules
Instruction scheduling is divided into a front-end schedule (IF and ID), which is uniform for all the instructions, and a back-end schedule, which varies across the different instructions.
- Front-end Schedule
- The front-end schedule comprises of the IF and ID stages
- IF
- NPC is updated by the Fetch unit
- Instruction fetch from the I-Cache is initiated
- ID
- Instruction fetch is completed by I-Cache
- Instruction decode is performed by the Decode unit
- Branch prediction is performed by the BPred unit
- Target PC is updated by the Fetch unit
- IF
- The front-end schedule comprises of the IF and ID stages
- Back-end Schedule
- The back-end schedule comprises of the ID, EX, MEM, and WB stages
- ID
- For non-store instructions, the source registers, if any, are read by the RF Manager
- For load instructions, address generation is performed by the AGEN unit and data read from the D-Cache is initiated
- The rest of the instructions are executed in the execution units
- Single cycle operations are sent to the integer EXU
- Execution is initiated for the multicycle/pipelined operations
- EX
- Execution is finished for the multicycle/pipelined operations
- For load instructions, data read from the D-Cache is completed
- For store instructions, the following tasks are performed
- The source registers are read by the RF manager
- Address generation is performed by the AGen unit
- Data write into the D-Cache is initiated
- For store instructions, data write into the D-Cache is completed
- WB
- Destination registers are written into by the RF manager
- The instruction is graduated by the Grad unit
- ID
- The back-end schedule comprises of the ID, EX, MEM, and WB stages
Relevant source files:
- pipeline_traits.[cc,hh]